VBS 30th Anniversary

VBS are extremely proud to be celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year.

The last 30 years have been a true kaleidoscope of trading in the construction industry. We have experienced some of the toughest, most demanding and challenging times, alongside significant technological advancements, exciting opportunities and rapid growth.

It has not been an ‘easy ride’ by any means and there’s plenty of difficult periods that we can contemplate but without doubt, there’s been far more highs than lows over the years and this brings a smile, and a great sense of personal growth and achievement.

Our journey of multiple phases has been shared with loyal, trusted friends, colleagues, clients and supply chain partners, many who have been part of the VBS story from the early days and have enabled us to grow and develop the business to where we are today.

Having stood the ultimate test of time, this Anniversary not only endorses our unswerving commitment to always provide the best MEP Services to our clients but also reminds us of the importance of maintaining our ongoing support and involvement in the local community.

30 years on, there is much to reflect on, plenty to be proud of, thankful for, and everything to look forward to.  So, here’s to the next 30 years, alongside the highly valued team of skilled, customer focused people that we have the pleasure of working with every day.